Adoption has existed in one form or another for much of human history. Whether formal or informal, it can play a significant role in shaping your family tree. This post provides an overview of the history of adoption in the United States and some resources you can use to research adopted ancestors.
Queer Lit Review: June 2022
By JordanD
Hello and welcome to the June 2022 edition of the newly renamed Queer Lit Review! Happy Pride Month everyone! To celebrate Pride, the Boston Public Library puts out a printed booklist every year called We Are Pride which includes books of all genres for children, teens, and adults. Find a copy at your local library…
Early Geo/Biological Surveys of Massachusetts
By ChrisG
The First Survey In June of 1830, Governor Levi Lincoln Jr. appointed Amherst professor Edward Hitchcock to conduct the first geological survey of Massachusetts. In 1831 the scope of the project was expanded to include production of a list of plants and animals found in the Commonwealth, for which he drew on the “assistance of…
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