The Thrifty Wedding: Wedding Planning Resources and Guides

This is a new series focused on how any couple headed to the altar can find ways to cut back on spending without sacrificing their vision for the big day. Stay tuned for upcoming posts in this series. The next one will be on engagement rings

First comes love, then comes marriage, and then comes…paying for the wedding. There’s a reason why none of the fairy tales include the bill. Seeing some of the wedding costs and prices just might shock Snow White right back in her coffin. If you didn’t win our wedding ceremony giveaway, this series will cover some ways you can keep costs down for your wedding.

The average American wedding costs about $30,000 (2019), and the median American wedding cost is $15,000 (2016). For most people, that’s a significant chunk of change, and some people even go into debt to pay for the wedding of their dreams. This series will cover some ways to avoid that and still feel good about your wedding day. If you have your heart set on a lavish wedding at the Plaza in New York, with a wall full of off-season flowers, and the most expensive dresses and suits you can find, this series can’t help you too much. Nevertheless, even for the most expensive weddings, there are still a couple of tips that could help you save for your big day.

Check out the list below for resources on wedding planning for the wedding you want, without spending the extra cash:

Wedding Planning Books for the Thrify Couple

List created by Dhruti Bhagat

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