Digitization: After You’ve Applied

Digital Commonwealth Program

After You've Applied

Site visits usually include one or more of the following components:

  • Evaluation of materials for digitization readiness.
  • General outline of BPL digitization processes.
  • Discussion of descriptive metadata requirements and production strategies.
  • General introduction to the Boston Public Library, Digital Commonwealth, and the Library for the Commonwealth (LFC) program.
  • Material receipt and/or delivery.

Prior to the visit, participating institutions should prepare samples of the materials proposed for digitization (including samples of any descriptive information available for the materials — catalog cards, MARC records, spreadsheets, finding aids, etc.). During the visit, staff will assess materials for both fragility and appropriateness, so having samples available is very helpful.

If, after the assessment, anything is to be brought back to the BPL participating institutions would need to have boxes and packing material ready so that materials can be safely transported.

Participating institutions may require further consultations past the initial site visit to help prepare them for their descriptive metadata processes. This further guidance can be provided via email, over the phone, or in-person at the BPL by BPL staff. Some institutions may not required site visits, if their materials are adequately prepared, described, and ready for delivery to BPL facilities.

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