Nutrition Lab


Attend one of our many nutrition programs! Many of them will be at the Nutrition Lab located at the Roxbury Branch.


The Nutrition Lab, located at the Roxbury Branch of the Boston Public Library, serves as the Library's hub for nutrition literacy. Through the use of programs such as demonstrations and hands-on classes, the Nutrition Lab provides learning opportunities for healthy eating and a space to develop life and work skills focused on nutrition and meal creation. The Nutrition Lab is a place to build confidence, meet new friends, and gather as a community.

Building Multiple Literacies

Through the Roxbury Nutrition Lab, the BPL envisions a new and innovative way to deliver on its four core areas: literacy, spaces and programs, instruction, and cultural heritage. We believe cooking advances multiple literacies.

If you have any questions, please email

Please submit a brief proposal through the link below.


Based in the BPL's Nutrition Lab at the Roxbury Branch, the Chef-in-Residence program aims to increase nutritional literacy and cooking programs for community members of all ages. The program empowers patrons to explore cooking techniques, cultural heritage, nutrition, and Boston history by offering demonstrations, hands-on classes, and resources—free of charge.

Submit a Program Proposal

Please submit a Nutrition Lab Program Proposal below.

Donate to the BPL Spice Bank

Boston Public Library has announced the launch of the BPL Spice Bank, in collaboration with the Greater Boston Food Bank.

Healthy Eating: 11 Books About Eating Whole Foods

What's the difference between whole foods versus the processed foods? These books will help you understand the difference & offer recipes...

The History of What You Eat: 15 Microhistories About Food

Ever wonder how Chinese food became popular in the United States? This book list can help you answer your important food history questions!

Culinary Memoirs: 14 Books by Marginalized Chefs

July is National Culinary Arts Month! Celebrate with these memoirs by cooks of color from around the world.

A to Z World Food

A to Z World Food contains traditional recipes and covers food culture for 174 countries of the world in six categories.

Gale OneFile: Culinary Arts

Cooking & nutrition magazines, culinary journals, and reference books, including thousands of searchable recipes and restaurant reviews.
Popular Cookbooks Online

Popular Cookbooks Online

From the art of pie and everything vegetarian to flour and pho, explore new recipes from these titles beloved by fellow patrons.

Nutrition in the Catalog

The Nutrition Lab is funded through private support raised by the Boston Public Library Fund, the philanthropic arm of the Boston Public Library. To learn more about how we are supporting programs at the Boston Public Library, please visit the Fund's website.

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