eBooks, Audio, and Video
eBooks, Audio, and Video
LOTE4Kids eBooks, Audio, and Video Streaming & Downloadable Media New!
O’Reilly Learning eBooks, Audio, and Video Streaming & Downloadable Media New!
Access 60k+ titles (including O’Reilly books in early release), 30k+ hours of video, case studies, certification prep materials, interactive tutorials, expert playlists, audiobooks, and more from O’Reilly and nearly 200 other publishers including McGraw Hill, Taylor & Francis, HarperCollins, and Wiley. Topics include cloud computing, data engineering, data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence, programming languages, software architecture, IT/Ops, security, design, business, and more.
American Music Audio
A music history database that highlights social and political songs by and about American indigenous, miners, immigrants, slaves, children, pioneers and cowboys.Included in the database are the songs of Civil Rights, political campaigns, Prohibition, the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, anti-war protests, and more.
AP Newsroom Audio Images IV. International Newspapers
Searchable Associated Press content, including 4.6 million photographs (1826-present) as well as graphics, audio (1920-present), and articles (1997-present).
Audio Drama: The L.A. Theatre Works Collection Audio
Streaming audio performances of more than 290 important dramatic works of the 19th-21st centuries, from the curated archive of the nation’s premiere radio theatre company.
Barron’s Audio Magazines & Journals Video New!
Barron's is a weekly financial magazine founded in 1921 published by Dow Jones & Company. Barron’s covers U.S. financial information, market developments, and statistics and is a valuable resource for researchers studying financial history, market trends, and investment strategies. Coverage: 1921 - 2010
Classical Music Library Audio
Classical Music Library's growing collection of 50,000-plus tracks for listening and searching is supplemented by extensive reference materials and backed by a powerful suite of tools designed to support learning.
Contemporary World Music Audio
A music database that offers the streaming of music from all regions of the world. Includes popular music, film scores, and genres of all kinds.
Gale In Context: Environmental Studies Audio Magazines & Journals Video New!
Understand environmental issues that affect people globally through topic overviews, journals, news, and multimedia content.
Gale Power Search Audio Directories Images Indexes IV. International Newspapers Magazines & Journals Newspapers Video
Cross-search Gale OneFile, Gale In Context, and Gale eBooks. Subjects include: agriculture, biography, business, communications and mass media, criminal justice, culinary arts, diversity studies, economics and theory, environmental studies and policy, fine arts, gardening and horticulture, gender studies, global issues, health and medicine, high school edition, home improvement, hospitality and tourism, information science, insurance and liability, leadership and management, military and intelligence, news, nursing and allied health, opposing viewpoints, physical therapy and sports medicine, pop culture studies, popular magazines, psychology, religion and philosophy, science, U.S. history, war and terrorism, and world history.
Gale Power Search – Publication Search Audio Directories eBooks Images Indexes IV. International Newspapers Magazines & Journals Newspapers Video
Cross-search all Gale databases to which BPL subscribes. Subjects include: agriculture, biography, business, communications and mass media, criminal justice, culinary arts, diversity studies, economics and theory, environmental studies and policy, fine arts, gardening and horticulture, gender studies, global issues, health and medicine, high school edition, home improvement, hospitality and tourism, information science, insurance and liability, leadership and management, military and intelligence, news, nursing and allied health, opposing viewpoints, physical therapy and sports medicine, pop culture studies, popular magazines, psychology, religion and philosophy, science, U.S. history, war and terrorism, and world history.
Hoopla Streaming Media Audio eBooks Streaming & Downloadable Media Video
Movies, TV shows, music, eBooks, and comics for online streaming or download to mobile devices, with no waiting lists. Borrow up to 7 items per calendar month.
Internet Archive Audio eBooks Video
Digitized texts, audio, video, software, and archived web pages, including books, manuscripts, and other written documents from the Boston Public Library.
Jazz Music Library Audio
The largest and most comprehensive collection of streaming jazz available online with thousands of jazz artists, ensembles, albums, and genres.
Music & Performing Arts Audio Video
A database which provides audio and video in order to provide music teaching materials spanning all time periods and genres of music and dance.
OverDrive eBooks and Audiobooks (Libby app) Audio eBooks Streaming & Downloadable Media
Thousands of digital titles available for download directly to your computer or mobile device.
OverDrive for Kids Audio eBooks Streaming & Downloadable Media
Downloadable eBooks and audiobooks for children, including Boston Public Schools summer reading lists.
OverDrive for Teens Audio eBooks Streaming & Downloadable Media
Downloadable eBooks and audiobooks for teens, including Boston Public Schools summer reading lists.
Popular Music Library Audio
Popular Music Library contains a wide range of popular music including thousands of tracks from genres including alternative, country, Christian, electronic, hip-hop, metal, punk, new age, R&B, reggae, rock, soundtracks and more.
Smithsonian Global Sound Audio
A virtual encyclopedia of the world's musical and aural traditions. The collection provides an unprecedented variety of online resources that share diverse musical forms.
Sound Archives Audio
Recordings of lectures, presentations, and musical performances given at the Boston Public Library. Due to copyright restrictions, some recordings are only accessible in full at the Central Library in Copley Square, with 30-second samples available for remote listening.
18th Century Collections Online eBooks IV. International Newspapers
Over 180,000 full-text searchable 18th century books, pamphlets, essays, broadsides, and more, primarily in English, covering all aspects of life and knowledge, including history, geography, arts and literature, law, science, medicine, and the social sciences.
British Literary Manuscripts Online (1120-1900) eBooks
Reproductions of manuscripts, letters, and diaries, handwritten drafts of poems, plays, novels, and other literary works, and similar materials. Catalog records can be searched, but the manuscripts themselves are not full-text searchable.
British Theatre, Music, and Literature: High and Popular Culture eBooks
Primary sources relating to the arts in the 18th and 19th centuries, including playbills, scripts, operas, scores, letters, manuscripts, meeting minutes, and financial records.
ComicsPlus eBooks eBooks, Audio, and Video Streaming & Downloadable Media
Digital Commonwealth eBooks Images Maps
Digitized photographs, manuscripts, books and other material of local and historical interest from the Boston Public Library and other libraries, museums, archives, and historical societies in Massachusetts.
Flipster Digital Magazines eBooks Magazines & Journals Streaming & Downloadable Media
Explore, download, and read current magazine issues on your computer, tablet, or smartphone.
A Flipster app for iOS or Android devices is also available. To install the Flipster app on a Kindle Fire tablet, follow these directions.
Gale eBooks eBooks Encyclopedias
Encyclopedias and other specialized reference sources covering the arts, humanities, sciences, and social sciences, including medicine, business, law, and more.
Gale Power Search – Publication Search Audio Directories eBooks Images Indexes IV. International Newspapers Magazines & Journals Newspapers Video
Cross-search all Gale databases to which BPL subscribes. Subjects include: agriculture, biography, business, communications and mass media, criminal justice, culinary arts, diversity studies, economics and theory, environmental studies and policy, fine arts, gardening and horticulture, gender studies, global issues, health and medicine, high school edition, home improvement, hospitality and tourism, information science, insurance and liability, leadership and management, military and intelligence, news, nursing and allied health, opposing viewpoints, physical therapy and sports medicine, pop culture studies, popular magazines, psychology, religion and philosophy, science, U.S. history, war and terrorism, and world history.
Grove Art Online eBooks Encyclopedias
Contains the full searchable text and images of Grove Art Online, The Oxford Companion to Western Art, Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, and The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms.
Resources in the broader Oxford Art Online may not be available.
HathiTrust Digital Library eBooks Magazines & Journals
Digitized books, government publications, and other documents from the collections of an international community of research libraries. All material is indexed and searchable, but access to full reproductions is limited to material not under copyright.
Hoopla Streaming Media Audio eBooks Streaming & Downloadable Media Video
Movies, TV shows, music, eBooks, and comics for online streaming or download to mobile devices, with no waiting lists. Borrow up to 7 items per calendar month.
Internet Archive Audio eBooks Video
Digitized texts, audio, video, software, and archived web pages, including books, manuscripts, and other written documents from the Boston Public Library.
Latino Literature: Poetry, Drama, and Fiction eBooks
Poetry, short fiction, novels, and more than 450 plays by U.S. writers of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Dominican, Central American, and South American heritage, including previously unpublished and rare materials.
MakeMake eBooks
MakeMake has 300 Spanish-language eBooks for children. The collection includes picture books, read-along books and interactive books. The interface and search are also in Spanish.
MakeMake le ofrece 300 libros electrónicos en español para niños de todas las edades. Ésta colección contiene libros interactivos donde los niños pueden leer y escuchar el texto al mismo tiempo y la interfaz es también en español para facilitar su uso.
North American Indian Drama eBooks
244 plays by 48 North American Indian playwrights, accompanied by searchable information on related productions, theaters, production companies, and more. More than half of the plays are previously unpublished.
North American Women’s Drama eBooks
1,517 plays by 330 North American women playwrights, accompanied by searchable information on related productions, theaters, production companies, and more. Includes selected playbills, production photographs, and other ephemera. Over 30% of the plays are previously unpublished.
Open Library eBooks
Over 100,000 eBooks available for borrowing and reading in-browser or on mobile devices using Adobe Digital Editions. Creation of a free account is required for borrowing.
OverDrive eBooks and Audiobooks (Libby app) Audio eBooks Streaming & Downloadable Media
Thousands of digital titles available for download directly to your computer or mobile device.
OverDrive for Kids Audio eBooks Streaming & Downloadable Media
Downloadable eBooks and audiobooks for children, including Boston Public Schools summer reading lists.
OverDrive for Teens Audio eBooks Streaming & Downloadable Media
Downloadable eBooks and audiobooks for teens, including Boston Public Schools summer reading lists.
Oxford Music Online eBooks Music Encyclopedias
Oxford Music Online is the world’s premier online music encyclopedia, offering comprehensive coverage of music, musicians, music-making, and music scholarship.
Scholastic BookFlix eBooks
BookFlix is a literacy resource that pairs interactive, fictional video storybooks with related nonfiction eBooks for kids 3-9 years old.
TumbleMath eBooks
Online math eBooks, grades K-6.
Twentieth Century North American Drama eBooks
1,905 plays by 419 playwrights, accompanied by searchable information on related productions, theaters, production companies, and more. Includes selected playbills, production photographs, and other ephemera.
Vault Career Guides eBooks New!
Vault publishes numerous employer, career, internship, resume, and interviewing guidebooks. The guides cover industries such as law, consulting, investment banking, accounting, investment management, private equity, hedge funds, Internet and social media, IT and engineering, energy, health care, advertising, and more.
Barron’s Audio Magazines & Journals Video New!
Barron's is a weekly financial magazine founded in 1921 published by Dow Jones & Company. Barron’s covers U.S. financial information, market developments, and statistics and is a valuable resource for researchers studying financial history, market trends, and investment strategies. Coverage: 1921 - 2010
biblio+ Streaming & Downloadable Media Video New!
biblio+ is a streaming service with a highly-curated selection of films and television, from award-winners and nominees to independent discoveries, thoughtful documentaries, and everything in between. With biblio+, library members have unlimited access to an ad-free catalog of video content on many devices.
Boston TV News Digital Library Video
Searchable content from WGBH, WCVB, WHDH, and Cambridge Community Television. Coverage: 1960-1999.
Dance in Video Video
Over 600 performances and over 600 documentaries, interviews, and instructional videos featuring the most influential performers and companies of the 20th century, including ballet, tap, jazz, contemporary, experimental, and improvisational dance, as well as forerunners of the forms and the pioneers of modern concert dance.
Gale In Context: Environmental Studies Audio Magazines & Journals Video New!
Understand environmental issues that affect people globally through topic overviews, journals, news, and multimedia content.
Gale Online Learning Portal Video New!
Access Gale's Excel Adult High School, Peterson's Test Prep, and Peterson's Career Prep all through one portal.
Excel Adult High School offers the opportunity for Massachusetts residents age 19+ to earn an accredited high school diploma, fully online! Students can access courses 24/7 and can finish the program in lest time with transfer credits. Ongoing support from instructors and success coaches is available through an online tutoring program.
Peterson's Test Prep and Peterson's Career Prep offer free resume and job search help, career advice, career assessments, military crosswalk guidance, self-paced courses on vocation tests, and full-length practice tests.
Gale Power Search Audio Directories Images Indexes IV. International Newspapers Magazines & Journals Newspapers Video
Cross-search Gale OneFile, Gale In Context, and Gale eBooks. Subjects include: agriculture, biography, business, communications and mass media, criminal justice, culinary arts, diversity studies, economics and theory, environmental studies and policy, fine arts, gardening and horticulture, gender studies, global issues, health and medicine, high school edition, home improvement, hospitality and tourism, information science, insurance and liability, leadership and management, military and intelligence, news, nursing and allied health, opposing viewpoints, physical therapy and sports medicine, pop culture studies, popular magazines, psychology, religion and philosophy, science, U.S. history, war and terrorism, and world history.
Gale Power Search – Publication Search Audio Directories eBooks Images Indexes IV. International Newspapers Magazines & Journals Newspapers Video
Cross-search all Gale databases to which BPL subscribes. Subjects include: agriculture, biography, business, communications and mass media, criminal justice, culinary arts, diversity studies, economics and theory, environmental studies and policy, fine arts, gardening and horticulture, gender studies, global issues, health and medicine, high school edition, home improvement, hospitality and tourism, information science, insurance and liability, leadership and management, military and intelligence, news, nursing and allied health, opposing viewpoints, physical therapy and sports medicine, pop culture studies, popular magazines, psychology, religion and philosophy, science, U.S. history, war and terrorism, and world history.
Hoopla Streaming Media Audio eBooks Streaming & Downloadable Media Video
Movies, TV shows, music, eBooks, and comics for online streaming or download to mobile devices, with no waiting lists. Borrow up to 7 items per calendar month.
Internet Archive Audio eBooks Video
Digitized texts, audio, video, software, and archived web pages, including books, manuscripts, and other written documents from the Boston Public Library.
Kanopy eBooks, Audio, and Video Streaming & Downloadable Media Video
Kanopy includes acclaimed movies and documentaries on-demand from award-winning filmmakers. Browse the collection of over 30,000 documentaries, classic films, world cinema, popular movies and films for children of all ages.
Each month BPL patrons receive 18 tickets. Depending on the length and viewing period of each title, movies in Kanopy will require between 0-5 tickets per viewing. You can see your remaining tickets for the month in the top-right corner of the homepage.
Note: Kanopy Kids doesn't use tickets. You can access an unlimited number of Kanopy Kids titles each month.
Music & Performing Arts Audio Video
A database which provides audio and video in order to provide music teaching materials spanning all time periods and genres of music and dance.
Opera in Video Video
Over 200 performances selected for their importance to the operatic canon, as well as over 60 interviews and documentaries representing the world’s best performers, conductors, and opera houses.
Royal Shakespeare Company Collection Video
These high-definition, surround-sound recordings of William Shakespeare's plays featuring the world's best Shakespearean actors bring performances filmed at the Royal Shakespeare Company's Stratford-upon-Avon theater to your computer screen.
Theatre in Video Video
Over 150 definitive dramatic performances and over 300 documentaries and interviews featuring directors, designers, writers, and performers. Videos include closed captioning and synchronized scrolling transcripts.