Central Library: Tech Central
Boylston Street Building, First Floor
Tech Central currently offers 40 Windows PCs. Computer use is limited to two hours per day, but time will be extended up to four hours if no other patrons are waiting. A valid library card is required to reserve a computer, patrons without a library card may see a staff member and receive a guest pass. Each computer is loaded with Microsoft Office suite, Adobe Reader, and Google Chrome.
In addition, there are 5 express computers available that do not require a library card or guest pass but are limited to fifteen minutes of use.
Tech Central also has an adaptive workstation. View more information on accessibility resources and services at the BPL.
You can call ahead with any questions regarding Tech Central’s adaptive station at 617.859.2255.
Using Technology in the Library FAQs
The BPL offers wireless connections to the Library's Internet service in all of our locations.
Look for the WiFi network BostonPublicLibrary and connect via your device's procedure for WiFi connection. Launch your browser, accept the security certificate to begin using the network.
Our accessible workstations in Tech Central at the Central Library can be reserved in advance by patrons who need them by phone at 617.859.2255.
Otherwise, we don’t offer off-site reservation of our computers. To get into the queue on-site, use the sign-in station.
For help with your device, you can contact your local library to see if you can schedule a one-on-one session or attend a class for help using our services on your device. If you need technical support for your device, we can help you find where to get it.
To see a list of our upcoming technology classes on particular devices and software, check our calendar for details.
To borrow a laptop, present your library card. (You can use an ID if you don’t have your library card with you.) Library staff will ask to verify your address, either verbally or with an ID.
If the address matches your borrower record, the laptop will be checked out to your card. If your address is incorrect in our system, you will be required to provide an ID so we may update it.
Out-of-state residents and patrons without a library card will be directed to a desktop computer.