Stream & Download

Libby by OverDrive

eBooks, audiobooks, & magazines available for download to your computer or mobile device. To read on your tablet or phone use the Libby app.


Movies, TV shows, music, eBooks, and comics for online streaming or download to mobile devices, with no waiting lists. 7 items per month.

Comics Plus

Enjoy unlimited access to thousands of digital comics, graphic novels, and manga without holds, wait lists, or monthly limits.

Movies & Music


With biblio+, library card holders have unlimited access to an ad-free catalog of movies, TV shows, and documentaries on many devices.


Kanopy includes acclaimed movies and documentaries on-demand from award-winning filmmakers. Each month BPL patrons receive 18 tickets.


Movies, TV shows, music, eBooks, and comics for online streaming or download to mobile devices, with no waiting lists. 7 items per month.

OverDrive Magazines

Over 3000 popular magazines are available instantly, and they don't count against checkout limits.

Flipster Digital Magazines

Explore, download, and read current magazine issues on your computer, tablet, or smartphone.


Full-color reproductions of thousands of U.S. & international newspapers & magazines from the last three months available via web or app.

Asexual & Aromantic Books

Books featuring protagonists on the asexual/aromantic spectrum. More specific identities are noted with each book.

Awkward Moments

March 18 is supposedly National Awkward Moments Day, so celebrate those times when you've done something that has made you feel awkward!

Crochet Some Granny Squares

Granny Squares are having a bit of a moment, so why not explore these 20 books that will have you happily hooking up a storm in no time?

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OverDrive (Libby app)

  • The OverDrive app was discontinued on May 1, 2023. This was our vendor OverDrive's decision, not the Boston Public Library's decision.

    We encourage you to make the switch to OverDrive's Libby app, opens a new window.

    Here is OverDrive's Libby Help guide for OverDrive app users, opens a new window

    Access to our OverDrive site, opens a new window will remain available.

  • You can borrow up to ten titles from OverDrive at a single time. These do not count toward the limit of seventy-five physical loans at a time on your library card.

  • OverDrive lends eBooks and audiobooks for up to fourteen days. If you prefer, you can select shorter loan periods for each format individually in your account.

    In some cases, the loan period is set by the publisher and will vary from the above. When this happens, the loan period will be displayed at checkout.


  • Yes, so long as you have a physical BPL card or an eCard.

  • Hoopla can be used in a web browser at or with its app on iOS, Android, and Amazon devices. You will need your library card number and an email address to get started.

  • You can check out seven items from Hoopla per calendar month.

    To suggest titles for purchase please log into your library account and complete the form “submit a suggestion” found in your library dashboard.


  • Each month BPL patrons receive 18 tickets. These tickets reset each month and do not roll over to the next month.

    Depending on the length and viewing period of each title, movies in Kanopy will require between 0-5 tickets per viewing.

    You can see your remaining tickets for the month in the top-right corner of the homepage.

    Note: Kanopy Kids doesn't use tickets. You can access an unlimited number of Kanopy Kids titles each month.

  • These tickets reset each month and do not roll over to the next month. You can still borrow and watch titles that cost 0 tickets.


  • You can download the Flipster app from your device's app store. If you have a Kindle Fire, you can download it directly.

    Search for Boston Public Library in the app and enter your library card number and PIN to get started.

    The app is not required to access Flipster. You may also use your device's web browser to access it.

  • Flipster magazines don't have traditional loan periods like eBooks.

    Some select titles will expire and will need to be deleted from your device after a set time, however. These titles display an expired icon and appear grayed out when no longer available to read. Select weekly titles may expire in 2 days while select monthly or seasonal titles may expire in 7 days. After they expire, these titles may be redownloaded if they are still available.

  • Yes! On your computer, open the most recent issue of a magazine and select the All Issues menu item in the right column to see all available issues. In the app, the back issues appear on the latest issue screen below the title's description.

Sign Up for an eCardStart streaming and downloading with a BPL eCard

Don't have Boston Public Library card? Start streaming and downloading with a BPL eCard.
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