Teen Volunteer Program

Teens (grades 9-12) participating in the Boston Public Library Teen Volunteer Program will learn valuable working skills that will transfer to paid jobs later. Volunteer jobs help to prepare teens to become job ready while working in the library, learning customer service skills, and learning how to interact with a variety of people. Teens will participate in a resume building program and an interview skills workshop.

Some of the tasks are:

  • Create book lists
  • Put up book displays
  • Shelve books
  • Assist in locating missing books
  • Assist in weeding book projects
  • Assist in leading gaming tournaments in some locations
  • Read books and write book reviews for the bpl.org/teens website
  • Assist in leading gaming programs in some locations
  • Teens will participate in 5 skill building workshops. Resume building program, privacy training, know your rights in the workplace, Bibliocommons workshop, book review writing workshop. All are on Monday’s at 4:00 PM on Zoom.

The Teen Volunteer Program sites are Brighton, Central Library (Teen Central and Children's Library), Codman Square, Connolly, Grove Hall, Hyde Park, Mattapan, Roslindale, Roxbury Branch, and West Roxbury.

The volunteer program runs year-round; in the fall, spring, and in the summer. Interested teens should reach out to Agneris Lopez at volunteer@bpl.org or 617.859.2304.

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